Dune dogs and dung beetles.

Ok, so, I've skipped a day or two but I just HAD to write about this while the smells are still in my mind and the sand is still on my feet. Last night I slept under the stars in the middle of the desert, and this morning the incredibly enthusiastic young sherpas actually taught … Continue reading Dune dogs and dung beetles.

Trying trains, havelis and Shiva festival.

As Hollie's Mum, Gill,  is only staying with us on our journey until the fourth of August we have been city hopping to make sure she gets to experience as much of this varied country as possible in the three weeks she is here. So commencing our departure of Nukkad Guesthouse in Udaipur, we boarded … Continue reading Trying trains, havelis and Shiva festival.

Elephanta Island; sloping waves, sneaking about and seasickness.

With our bearings gathered as much as they can be for one of the busiest cities in the world. We set our sights on visiting the world heritage site, Elephanta Island. For me, an avid urbex enthusiast, the boat journey there was intriguing enough, the coast is a smattering of rusting cargo ships, some working … Continue reading Elephanta Island; sloping waves, sneaking about and seasickness.