Painted elephants & Preparation.

22 Days, 14 hours and 42 minutes; away from our stationary existence unfolding into a nomadic, undulating and currently infinite adventure. 

Safe to say that excited just doesn’t cut it. Not only does this excursion hold all the normal bits of ‘I can’t wait for this’ and ‘I can’t wait to see that’ that a normal trip has, but for more importantly it marks the end of a big, pretty transformative chapter of our little lives. It marks the finale of a physiological journey of creating a reality out of something that seemed for so long was just a pipe dream.

When we where doing a small stint travelling last year we met an American couple in Chiang Mai, Thailand. While sitting on a rooftop, watching the last bits of syrupy Thai sun set over the city and sipping bottles of Chang, we relayed our own stories across the group of people. How long we where here, why we had come and what where our long term plans, being at the top of the list.

One couple, chimed in with their story of giving up everything to make seeing Asia for a long period of time, a reality, they had sold their possessions, quit their jobs and just had gone. And they had no return date. These guys stuck in my mind, and I didn’t really realise it until recently but I do believe subconsciously this interaction changed my mindset.

I decided I didn’t just want to travel anymore, I needed to.

So with that bit of fuel added to an already smouldering fire, we made some choices, we scrimped, saved, sacked in some shit, changed our priorities.

Its been about 9 months since we fully decided on this trip, we umm’ed and ahh’d about travelling in europe first but ultimately the decision fell on the fact that currently, we have the least amount of adult responsibilities holding us to England. A rented house, a good job – but not a career – we are both financially stable, and doing big continents for long time periods, like Asia, will only become more difficult as time passes.

So ultimately the past 9 months have been spent organising our life logistics here and doing some ever so tentative pencilled in plans for the first leg of our trip.

We are both currently animated with anticipation for whats ahead, numerous documentaries, books, and blog posts have kept us inspired as the days get crossed on the calendar counting us down to the 13th of July!





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