Muay Thai, Night trains & Arriving in Pai.

So, in the last 15 hours we have traveling roughly 509 miles, from Bangkok to Chiang Mai, and the onward to Pai.

The evening of the 6th we ventured back out into Bangkok for our last evening there until the end of our trip. Rob was really keen to go and see a Muay Thai boxing match, which we did, I’ve gotta say it was brilliant, and the club turn round from a boxing ring to beautiful Thai ladies dancing on poles was an excellent additive!

After a few extra beers we went to bed, and woke up (with slightly sore heads) to push on to Hua Lumpong station where we boarded the night train to Chiang Mai.

We both love train journeys in the UK so where both suitably excited for this one.

We had pre-booked two seats but unfortunately ended up with two upper bunk, opposite each other on the row, however we managed to swap with some lovely german backpackers so we could sit opposite one another, and had an upper and lower bunk. The lower bunks have a window and you get to see the sunrise with beautiful views in the early hours.

We ate an evening meal of Thai style sweet and sour chicken and cabbage soup, then the attendants came round an switched our seats into beds, which you can see here:

Some people told us not to travel on the night train, but for us it was well worth the experience, ALOT more fun than a plane journey.

As the evening settled in and everyone got ready for bed, it got a school-ish vibe, everyone giggling and messing around in pajamas. A group of elderly ladies and men nearby us who where traveling together had all bought matching hareems and where joking with each other as we all settled in to sleep.

I was more comfy than at our last hotel!

We pulled in to Chiang Mai station around 7am, jumped straight out and onto a 3 hour minibus to Pai which took 3 hours. Not a bus journey for the weak stomached, twisting and turning up into the mountains and then back down.

I had seen a place called Pai Country huts previously online and we headed there in hope there was a space and there was. Beautiful high stilted huts with a hammock, TV and very nice interior. Free tea, coffee and drinking water. And most importantly incredible views of the Pai mountain range in front of us!

After a small wander through the lovely sleepy and quiet town, we are not sat planning our next 4 days here. Very happy with the outcome of this move, after the bustle and noise of Bangkok, this is more our style.

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